Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Can I Accept it? Oh, Lord, But How?

Since I was very young I've always struggled with the way I was, the way I looked, my personality. I had a hard time accepting the way God created me.
  I never was skinny enough, my hair never looked right, my hands where ugly, my nose wasn't shaped right, my teeth weren't straight, my cheek bones where to big, the way I describe my face was horrible. In fact I called myself a gorilla. Pretty soon I saw myself as the ugliest, least desirable, unneeded, girl in the entire world. I thought that if anything ever where to happen to me it wouldn't really matter, because no one would miss a horrible looking gorilla (just to summarize it).
After a while I began to hate the way I was. One reason was, my family never knew what my heart needed, they never knew I needed to be told I did not look like a gorilla that I was pretty, I was desirable, loved, needed, and that I would be missed if something where to happen to me.
It wasn’t till someone came along and told me I was beautiful…But at first I didn't think they could possibly be right, after so many years of being so called “ugly”. It took me nearly two years to not think so badly of myself. But there were a lot of struggles, and prayers during those months.
Accepting the way God created you can be quite hard sometimes! If you’re a girl like me who has to be told she is loved and pretty, and no one tells you so, it can be one of the hardest struggles in life. Know God sees you as beautiful. And he loves you more than anyone else could ever love you! He raps His strong and loving arms around you, and whispers softly in your ear, assuring you that you are beautiful, loved, needed, and much cherished. Ask Jesus to help you. Ask Him to change your heart, to accept the way He created you. Make Him your all, your Prince of Peace, your comforter, your strength, your protector, your Prince Charming. He is all you will ever need! Reach up, and hold tight to His strong loving hand. He will hold you and never let go. Someday if God sees fit, He will give you a way to an earthly prince charming. He will give you away His princess, His daughter, His pride and joy. But will you accept the way He created you, and rest in His strong loving arms, that you may find peace and joy? That He may fulfill His great, and beautiful plan for your life?
God had a special reason in creating you. He had a reason in creating you the way you are. He wants you to accept it, and to think Him for your life. As a special gift from Jesus.
If you really think about it you actually rather be the ugliest, least desirable girl in the entire world than not be here today. If this is not so…get one your knees right now. Ask Jesus to give you a change of heart. Ask Him to help you accept the way you are. And hold tight to His hand!
You may not be the prettiest girl, as I’m sure I am not. But what is on the heart is all that matters. In Jesus’ eyes you are a beautiful girl. Don’t worry about what you may look like on the outside, “man looketh on the outward appearance, but God looketh upon the heart.” “By beholding we become changed”, by beholding Christ and His character we will be transformed into the likeness of Christ.
Take courage my dear friends. Keep your eyes focused on Jesus, and pray without ceasing.


  1. It took time for me to accept how the Lord designed me, as well, but I've come to realize that the sweet and Christlike character is what makes a person truly beautiful to the beholder. God made you beautiful, Tiana. Possessing a heart that is pure and true to Him makes you even more so.

  2. Thank you so much, Abby!! <3

  3. I've been through almost the same experience. I'm still learning that how I am is how God wants me to be. I have to act the way He would act and reflect Him, this is what makes us beautiful not only on the outside but also in the inside. Thank you for the encouraging post! <3

  4. Ohh so glad it has been a blessing!! I asked God to bless me in writing it! Praise the Lord!! <3 :)

  5. This really touched me. Only very recently have I actually accepted myself in God's eyes. This totally spoke to me, that I nearly cried. Thank you...
