The different personality types have colors as their name. There are four different personality types: green, blue, gold, and orange.
Everyone is really a mixture of all of them. But one of them is more like you-your brightest color. The "color" that was most like me was gold, then second was blue, then orange and least and last was green. In the following you will learn what the different personalities are like, etc.
Here is a little about the green personality:
"I seek knowledge and understanding. Analytical, Global, Conceptual.
I live life by my own standards. Cool, calm, collected.
I need explanations and answers. Inventive, logical, perfectionistic.
I value intelligence, insight, fairness and justice. Abstract, Hypothetical, Investigative.
I am a natural non-conformist, a visionary, and a problem solver.
At work, I am conceptual and an independent thinker. For me, work is play. I am drawn to constant challenge in careers, and like to develop models, explore ideas, or build systems to satisfy my need to deal with the innovative. Once I have perfected an idea, I prefer to move on, leaving the project to be maintained and support by others.
In love, I prefer to let my head rule my heart. I dislike repetition, so it is difficult for me to continuously express feelings. I believe that once feelings are stated, they are obvious to a partner. I am uneasy when my emotions control me. I want to establish a relationship, leave it to maintain itself, and turn my energies back to my career.
In childhood, I appeared to be older than my years. I was focused on my greatest interests, and achieved more in subjects that were mentally stimulating. I was impatient with drill and routine. I questioned authority, and found it necessary to respect teachers before I could learn from them."
"If your brightest color is green, you feel best about yourself when solving problems, especially when your ingenious ideas are recognized. You seek to express yourself through your ability to be an expert in everything, and your ideas of a great day is to be know-how to create solutions. You are a complex individualist with great analytically ability. Although you do not express your emotions openly, you do experience deep feelings."
Your Keys to Personal Success:
- Develop models
- Abstract thinking
- Analytical processes
- Exploring ideas
- A variety of interests
- Striving for competency
- Intelligence
- Storing wisdom and knowledge
- Perfectionism
- Resisting redundancy
- Precise language
- Handling complexity
People with green as their brightest color have curious minds, exploring every facet of a a problem or idea to control the realities of life. Global by nature, and always seeking universal truth, you acquire skills to perfect any product or system on which you choose to focus. You are symbolized by the abstract thinker, the unknown challenge of outer space, the complexity and simplicity of design, and the symmetry of forms.
With Green as Your Brightest Color, You Tend to....
- Dream of: Truth, perfection, accuracy
- Value: Questions, answers, resolutions, intelligence, explanations, logic
- Regard: Efficiency, increased output, reduced waste
- Dislike: Injustice, unfairness
- Express: Cool, cam, collected reservation
- Foster: Inventions, technology
- Respect: Knowledge, capability
- Promote: Effectiveness, competence, know-how
Here is a little about the blue personality:
"I need to feel unique and authentic. Enthusiastic, Sympathetic, personal.
I look for meaning and significance in life. Warm, communicative, compassionate.
I need to contribute, to encourage, and to care. Idealistic, spiritual, sincere.
I value integrity and unity in relationships. Peaceful, flexible, imaginative.
I am a natural romantic, a poet, and a nurturer.
At work, I have a strong desire to influence others so they lead more significant lives. I often work in arts, communications, education, and the helping professions. I am adept to motivation and interacting with others.
In love, I seek harmonious relationships and believe in true love. I am romantic, and cherish the small gestures of love. I am affectionate, supportive and a good listener. I enjoy doing thoughtful things to others. I bring drama, warmth, and empathy to relationships.
In childhood, I was imaginative and creative. I flourished with encouragement rather than competition, and wanted others to like me. I reacted with great sensitivity to discordance or rejection and sought recognition. I responded best to my teachers who were warm and friendly."
"If your brightest color is blue, you seek to express the inner you; authenticity and honestly are valued above all other characteristics. You enjoy close relationships with those you love and possess a strong spirituality in your nature. Making a difference in the world is easy for you because you cultivate the potential in yourself and in others. You are sensitive and subtlety and -with great flair- create roles in lifes drama."
Your Keys to Personal Success:
- Authenticity
- Devotion to relationships
- Cultivating the potential in others
- Assuming creative roles in life's drama
- Writing and speaking with poetic flair
- Self-searching
- Living a life of significance
- Sensitivity to subtlety
- Spirituality
- Making a difference in the world
- Seeking harmony
"People with blue as their brightest color are persons of peace and love. You are the natural romantic in life, idealizing the perfect moments and the gestures of love. Facilitator of human potential, you are most satisfied when nurturing the potential in others and bringing out the best in them. You are symbolized by the dove of peace, the romantic ballad, the drama of life, and the importance of a simple touch or handshake.
With Blue as Your Brightest Color, You Tend to.....
- Dream of: Love, affection, authenticity
- Value: Compassion, sympathy, rapport
- Regard: Meaning, significance, identity
- Dislike: Hypocrisy, deception, insincerity
- Express: Vivacity, enthusiasm, inspiration
- Foster: Growth in people, harmony
- Respect: Nurturing, empathy, sharing feelings
- Promote: Growth, development in others."
Here is a little about the gold personality:
"I follow the rules and respect authority. Loyal, Dependable, Prepared.
I have a strong sense of what is right and wrong in life. Thorough, sensible, punctual.
I need to be useful and to belong. Faithful, stable, organized.
I value home, family and tradition. Caring, concerned, concrete.
I am a natural preserver, a good citizen and helpful.
At work, I provide stability and can maintain organization. My ability to handle details and to work hard make me the backbone of many organizations. I believe that work comes before play, even if I must work overtime to complete the job.
In love, I am serious and tend to have traditional, conservative views of love and marriage. I want a mate who can work along with me, building a secure, predictable life together. I demonstrate love and affection through the practical things I do for my loved ones.
In childhood, I wanted to the follow the rules and regulations of the school. I understood and respected authority and was comfortable with academic routine. I was easiest of all types of children to adapt to the educational system."
"If gold is your brightest color, you value order and cherish the traditions of home and family. Generous and parental by nature, you show you care by helping everyone do the right thing. Steadfastness and loyalty are you trademarks, and you provide for support the structure of society. To disregard responsibility of any kind never occurs to you."
Your Keys to Personal Success:
- Generosity
- Strong work ethic
- Parental nature
- Penchant for ceremony and tradition
- Love of history
- Dignity and culture
- Perpetuating heritage
- Steadfastness
- Order and structure
- Predictability
- Home and family
- Establishing and organizing institutions
" Be prepared is the motto of those who gold is their brightest color. You enjoy the status and security that being prepared represents. Gifted with an instinct for keeping the product in production, for maintaining the structure, and for supporting the rules, you also have a strong awareness or right and wrong-a deep respect for the shoulds and the should nots. You are symbolized by pillars of strength: the flag, the preservation of honored institutions, and the purity of home and family.
With gold as Your Brightest Color, You Tend to....
- Dream of: Assets, wealth, influence, status, security
- Value: Dependability, accountability, responsibility
- Regard: Service, dedication
- Dislike: Disobedience, non-conformity, insubordination
- Express: Concern, stability, purpose
- Foster: Institutions, traditions
- Respect: Loyalty, obligations
- Promote: Groups, ties, bonds, associations, organizations"
Here is a little about the orange personality:
"I act on a moments notice. Witty, charming, spontaneous.
I consider life like a game, here and now. Impulsive, generous, impactful.
I need fun, variety, stimulation, and excitement. Optimistic, eager, bold.
I value skill, resourcefulness, and courage. Physical, immediate, fraternal.
I am a natural trouble-shooter, a performer, and a competitor.
At work, I am bored and restless with jobs that are routine and structured, and satisfied in careers that allow me independence and freedom while using my physical coordination and my love for tools. I view any kind of tool as a extension of self. I am a natural performer.
In love, I seek a relationship with shared activities and interests. With my mate, I like to explore new ways to energize the relationship. As a lover I need to be bold; I thrive on physical contact. I believe in leaving plans flexible, so I can choose what to do when the moment arrives.
In childhood, of all types of children, I had the most difficult time fitting into an academic routine. I learned by doing and experiencing, rather than by listening and reading. I needed physical involvement in the learning process and was motivated by my own natural competitive nature and sense of fun."
"If your "brightest" color is orange, a zest for life and a desire to test the limits best describes your nature. You take pride in being highly skilled in a variety of fields and need freedom to take immediate action. You prefer a hands-on approach to problem solving, and a direct line of reasoning creates the excitement and immediate results you admire. You are a master negotiator; adventure is your middle name.
Your Keys to Personal Success:
- Zest for life
- Desire to test the limits
- Hunger for variety
- Excitement and light-heartedness
- Spirit of adventure
- Entertaining others
- Spontaneous relationships
- Impetuous nature
- Crisis management skills
- Ability to work with tools
- Charm and wit
- Positive outlook (defeats are temporary)
- "Up and at 'em" attitude.
Your Esteem Yourself by Being Adventurous
"People with orange as their brightest color see life as one big party to enjoy. You live in the here and now and your impulsiveness drives everything you do. You love competition and never miss an opportunity to make a deal. Your characteristics may be symbolized by the flight of the eagle, the sensation of riding a motorcycle, the roaring of the rapids, and the skillfulness of a virtuoso.
With Orange as Your Brightest Color, You Tend too.....
- Dream of: Spontaneity, impetuousness, freedom
- Value: Skill, grace, finesse, charisma
- Regard: Opportunities, options, competition
- Dislike: Rigidity, authority
- Express: Optimism, impatience, eagerness, confidence
- Foster: Recreation, fun, enjoyment
- Respect: Skill, artistic expression
- Promote: Stimulation, risk."
Hey Tiana!! Could I please ask a question? Where did you take this 'colour' personality test at? Is it online and is it free? I would love to do it also. Could you help me? Thanks.
ReplyDeleteHi Lucinda!:) Actually I didn't take it online. We have it in a book. I am sorry!! :/
ReplyDeleteDear Tiana, my YAB friend and sister in Christ,
ReplyDeleteOh really? Is there somehow you could scan it or type it out or something for me? Or is it only for the owner to do? I would L-O-V-E to do it if it's o.k.
Much love and blessings from your YAB friend,
There is a different kind of personality test you can do online if you would like. Here is the link:
ReplyDeleteHope that helps. :)