Friday, December 20, 2013

What Can I Lose?

"The past couple months have been beautiful, full of rich blessings and experiences.
Lessons taught and grasped, dreams let go and dreams fulfilled.
Days of sunshine and days of rain, days of deepest joy and days of deep, throbbing pain.
Days of surrender and victory, days of getting back up when fallen.
Times of realizing reality, of what is really happening and what isn't.
Moments when surrender seems impossible but so essential.
Minutes when I caught a glimpse of the plan God has for my life.
The smiles when impossible things become reality.
Tears when a dream (s) fades away.
Peace where fear and anxiousness once dwelt.
I am facing a moment when all on the alter of sacrifice is calling to my heart for a certain possible future friendship.
Will I claim God's promise and open wide my hands and let it all in my all wise Father's grasp?
Will I no longer wonder but believe?
Though now it be hard to surrender it, when I look back it will be a thrilling experience to see how the Lord led.
What can I lose? What will I gain?
I will lose nothing that God sees best to give back to me.
I will gain the beautiful experience, closer walk with God and a story so awesome that no human imagination could ever imagine.
And if never given back to me, God will give me something even better, more then I hoped or dreamed.
Trusting in my all wise Father and Saviour Jesus Christ, that which is laid on the altar will be a reminder to me of the beautiful sacrifice Jesus made for me. Made for you!
And God will give me a treasure and not just a maybe!
The impossibility will be turned into a possibility according to the Lord's will.
The Lord's sweet and perfect timing will be manifested, the once unknown path will be made known.
As waiting is all I can do, it's the most blessed task to be given.
For it is in these times that Jesus shows me what He wants to be to me, how He wants to lead me, how He wants to fulfill my dreams according to His plan.
Dear Lord, hold not it from me, Your blessing, Your love, please freely give!
I surrender it to You, I let it go! Less I forget, remind me again!"
-Sabrina Oliver

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