When you think about it you actually DO want "His Way", but so often we're caught up with ME and self that "His Way" never really comes to mind. Till...."My Way" doesn't work!
This really shouldn't be the case. Do we know what causes this, "My Way" before "His Way"?
The rut problem is self. We want everything our own way, when and how. We are all into what works best for ME! The next problem is a lack of faith and trust in God. We don't have trust and faith in Him, that He knows best, His plans are best, and that He will carry out His perfect plan in HIS perfect time. So since we don't trust God with our lives completely we try to take things into our own hands to make sure everything goes smoothly.....as we all know, usually it does NOT go smoothly and simply the opposite. But God never gives up on us. He gives us yet another and another chance to trust Him and let Him have complete control and say, "No more "My Way". Completely "His Way".
This begins with just simple things. Just as simple as when your Mother asks you to do something and you really do not want to do it. You keep your mouth shut, asking God for strength, and silently say to yourself, "His Way". His way would be doing as your Mother asked without mumbling and complaining. Victory through the strength of Jesus leads to yet another victory. Surrender to Jesus "My Way" and my will and let your motto be "His Way, His Will."
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