Be active, be vigilant, be cheerful, be loving, be gentle, be patient! Give your heart fully, wholly, unabashedly, and devotedly to Christ, and Christ alone! Until you have tasted God's eternal, never failing, steadfast, redeeming love, hold off on looking for a man! Because "even if a man is not currently pursuing you, Jesus is constantly pursuing you!
"A woman's heart should be so hidden in Christ and His love, that a man has to seek Him inorder to find her."
Oh dear girls, let us make it our life goal to live to the fullest right where we are! Let us be like bright beams of light, love and sunshine wherever our presence is found! Let our smiles show that Christ's unfailing love is abidding in our hearts! Search the precious pages of God's love letter to you!
Pray, oh pray! I am afraid we never pray as much as we should. We take speaking with our Lord so lightly, but just like you desire to speak with your earthly friends you should desire to speak with the Best Friend you could ever have!
Gaurd your thoughts and never let your guard down for Satan is waiting to ruin you any minute he can. Think on pure, heavenly, kind things. Oh don't let your minds travail down the road of imagintive fairy tales. But keep your thoughts focused on thoughts of truth, and purity. I find what helps me best is in times that my mind begins to wonder I stop and talk with my sweet Jesus, who hears and understands! He always is there and always ready to help!
Most of all strive to become the woman God created you to be! But inorder to know who that is, you must seek Him, get to know Him, spend time with Him, and talk with Him!
Amen!! Good post!!