Thursday, April 25, 2013

My Closest Friend

I place my hope in you,
For you alone are Lord
There could never be another,
I could ever love more

There’s no one that comes closer
To you in my life,
For you are my closest friend,
In whom I can confide

And share my deepest longings,
My hurts and my fears,
Knowing you will understand
And wipe away my tears

Knowing I can come to you,
Morning, noon and night,
You will never turn me away,
But give ear to my plight

And you will not condemn me
Nor judge what I say,
For you are full of constant love
And listen when I pray

Your love was such that you died,
My soul, you came to save
From certain eternal misery
Awaiting beyond the grave

But now, in you, I can be sure
Of eternity with you,
Freed from pain and misery
With eternal joy too.

© By M.S.Lowndes

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